Sunday, June 19, 2011

Suicide Notes by Michael Thomas Ford

In a recent impulse buy of mine, Jeff wakes up in a hospital. No, not just a hospital. The nut house.

Jeff isn't crazy. That's what he tells the nurses, the psychiatrists, and the patients. But the cuts on his wrists tell a different story. As the story progresses, Jeff begins to open up to the place in a somewhat predictable fashion. Slowly but surely.
This book is packed with dark humor remnant of but stronger than It's Kind of a Funny Story. Many times this book had me laughing, but it's also quite serious at times. The book is light-hearted while covering a heavy subject, which is hard to do. The only problem that I have is that maybe it was a little bit too light-hearted, which makes the subject matter seem like less of a big deal.
The characters are funny and likeable, especially the patients. I really enjoyed most of the characters, although a few of them (Namely Rankin) seemed somewhat dull and flat. However, Sadie's character made up for that if you ask me.
Overall, this is a good book, although there are parts that I didn't like. I don't know what it is, but something about this book just didn't meet my expectations. However, the writing is good, and the humor is good, so I gave it four stars. Still, there are only certain people I would reccomend this book to.


  1. Nice this book looks good, I am a big fan of dark comedies!

  2. This book sounds completely amazing! Never before would I have even thought about checking out this book but I am for sure going to do that!

  3. Cool.

    I rate this book PG-13 at least. If you are uncomfortable with sexual situations, don't read it.


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